eBot AGVs by AIM

Build a unique vehicle custom fit to meet the demands of your operations.
The new AIM Ebot Line provides a flexible and cost effective platform to Tow or Carry your load. Our new eWorker replaces conventional AGV's while delivering standard features with industry leading options.
The eBot's eWorker allows us to mix and match guidance, drive configurations capacities and load handling platforms so the vehicle is design for you. In addition to these standards, individual customizations are readily available, such as load clamps, special load handling attachments and even adding a robotic arm. If you can dream it, we can create it!
Fastest AGV on the market with speeds to 350 fpm
Fast Automatic Battery Charging
#6,000 towing, #3,000 carrying capacity
AIM Unit Load AGVs are designed to interface with a wide variety of loads. Light tote handling vehicles are capable of carrying up 700 pounds while pallet handling AGVs may carry up to 5,000 pounds.
Single or Dual Conveyor
Fast Automatic Battery Charging
#500 - #8,000+ carrying capacity
eBOT 2023

Building a Custom Mobile Robot and System Manager (eBOT: Step 1 & 2)

Data Tracking Options For Your Mobile Robot (eBOT: Step 3)

eBOT by AIM: Custom Mobile Robot Automation Made Simple